28 North Gastropub is announcing the Local Legend Award, in an effort to show appreciation for those members of the local community who have exemplified generosity, sacrifice, or exceptional kindness. According to their website, “We want to express our Gratitude for the Locals who go that extra mile, perform those Random Acts of kindness, do something Heroic or simply Give Without Expectations.” Anyone may be nominated via the restaurant website by giving the name, contact info, and a description of the nominee’s kindness.
A winner will be selected each month and be recognized at the restaurant’s 28 Night, occurring every 28th of the month and featuring a $28 three course dinner menu as well as the opportunity to meet local vendors and farmers. That month’s recipient will be honored with a one of a kind Local Legend T-Shirt and a $200 gift card to the exclusive “Speakeasy Supper,” a private dinner experience at 28 North featuring a themed curated menu presented by Chef Kyle Hash and his culinary team. 28 North has been open in the Avenues at Viera since February of 2019. Their emphasis on engaging with their community, both in terms of how they source their ingredients and on a personal level, is fueled by their mantra of “Local Latitude, Local Attitude.”
This August’s selected Local Legend is Diana Adams. Diana is a 5th grade teacher in Brevard County and goes above and beyond for her school, students, and her community. Following her first year teaching in Brevard County, she was recognized as her school’s Teacher of the Year due to her consistent dedication and passion for teaching in engaging ways (escape rooms, simulations, read-alouds, etc.), and this passion continues to impact hundreds of lives in and out of her classroom each year. She is called upon to attend district summits and serve on committees, as well as at her school, where she serves as chairperson of committees focused on student literacy and community partnerships, and mentors other teachers in her building to encourage and support them. Diana takes on any leadership opportunity and additional responsibilities whenever asked of her and does so with her infectious positive attitude and outgoing personality. Diana often invites her students to meet her at various community service events on the weekends, motivated by her belief in being a positive role model and helping students to be active in giving back to their community. In the same way, she volunteers with various local charities and nonprofit organizations, including Brevard Rescue Mission, Lions Club International, Keep Brevard Beautiful, and more.